The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890



Why Take Morning Showers?

As a student at college with stringent and specific time constraints and responsibilities, showering in the morning has become one of my methods for better managing my schedule. 

Writing for the present, and not because I feel as though I should write, will boast invaluable meaning in my future.  

Meaningless writing doesn’t exist

I hope to someday find myself in the same position as Bonnie, indulging in a dinner alone, yet not at all lonely — with a pen and paper, thoughts and memories flood our present, making it impossible to be alone when with yourself

The radical love, selflessness and openness of Senegalese culture continually challenged me to do better. 

Teranga: what it means to prioritize people

 For these students, teranga meant slowly walking by our sides and supporting us as we learned to live in Senegalese culture  - it was welcoming, it was protective, and it was love without expecting anything in return. 

Yasmin Teixeira is a Life columnist for The Cavalier Daily.

A not so restful spring break

With the summer approaching, I encourage students to find time to rest in the midst of summer classes, jobs and internships — and become comfortable with not being productive all the time. We all deserve it. 

Creating playlists has become a particularly gratifying hobby of mine, as well as collecting vinyl records of my favorite albums from a range of artists. I view both as a form of curating the personal archive of music that I’m currently attuned to.

Music and its power in my life

Whether I’m at a concert or listening to music in the shower, I find solace through a song as it plays and metaphysically takes me back to some setting of my past.

 With a smaller meal plan than the unlimited plan first years use, I was thrown into the challenge of figuring out where to buy groceries 

Learning from my groceries

Whether it meant financial sacrifice or sacrificing my time, I made sure to choose grocery stores based on my needs at the moment, not on any expectations I had for myself. 

Typically, I would find myself reading right before bed or during breaks from doing homework.  

My 2021 in 119 books

In 2021, I actively made it an effort to read daily and that meant I could even read for as little as 15 minutes some days. 

Latest Podcast

From her love of Taylor Swift to a late-night Yik Yak post, Olivia Beam describes how Swifties at U.Va. was born. In this week's episode, Olivia details the thin line Swifties at U.Va. successfully walk to share their love of Taylor Swift while also fostering an inclusive and welcoming community.