The Cavalier Daily
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Odds and Ends

Run-in about Student Council run-off

Amid the hype of yesterday's run-off election for Student Council President, flyers lining the Bryan Hall walkway bombarded passersby with a different message: "Don't Vote."

"It's disturbing that someone would discourage voting. Elections are a great opportunity for students to express their opinions on U.Va.," said fourth-year College student Jonathan Carr.

The run-off election was held between third-year College students Joe Bilby and Brendan Dignan. In the general election Bilby received the highest number of votes, but only received 25 percent of the vote while Dignan took 22 percent. A candidate must win by more than a 5 percent margin to take office.

The bold lettered flyer deterring students from voting justified their plea as an attempt to help keep student politicos off the Lawn.

"I think that's ridiculous. Three out of the last four Student Council presidents have not lived on the Lawn," Carr said. "The outcome of the election won't effect whether either candidate will get on the Lawn next year anyway, since those applications have already been turned in."

Compiled by Josie Roberts


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