The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Odds and Ends

Bring it on, Uva

SO perhaps you can't exactly identify with a movie about cheerleaders. But there is one aspect in the new movie all of us can relate to: "The Cav Song."

That's right. According to Virginia Pep Band director Kathy Griffin, the Pep Band was paid $2,000 for the use of "The Cav Song" from their 1999 CD in the Universal Pictures movie "Bring It On."

Billy Gottleib, the music supervisor for "Bring It On" is responsible for discovering the Pep Band and "The Cav Song."

"He found out about us on the Internet, apparently, and ordered one of our 1999 CDs in June," Griffin said. "The next thing we knew, he wanted to put "Cav Song" in "Bring It On."

Related Links
  • "Bring It On" Official Web site
  • Papa John's Web site

    "The Cavalier Song" was composed by Fulton Lewis in 1925 and is played by the pep band at least once every time they perform, Griffin said.

    Papa John's cooks up online ordering

    Ordering pizza has become even easier for college students craving late night grub, or afternoon snack. Or then again, ensuring cold pizza will be stashed in the back of the fridge after rolling out of bed in the morning.

    Papa John's pizza is only a click away with their introduction of online ordering.

    "I really like the new service," said Neal Rogers, the Charlottesville Papa John's general manager. "It frees up more employees from working the phones. Everything's more efficient."

    At , students who leave their Ethernet-connected computers turned on can merely click on Papa's homepage to view a menu and preview the cost before submitting their order. No need to be subjected to the annoying five-minute speeches about the specials of the day during phone orders.

    When first entering the site, customers type in their address and specify whether they want takeout or delivery. The site lists the closest location along with the "online picks." The Papa John's site even offers a section where the customer can enter the time of delivery desired: immediately submitted or in 90 minutes. The minimum order is $6.00.

    "A lot of people don't know about the online ordering yet," Rogers said.

    "Most people who have been using the service have eaten with us recently and seen the ad on the pizza box. I mean, not many people go surfing the Web for pizza sites."

    Rogers said that none of Papa John's competitors have anything in the works to go online.

    Perfection, however, has not yet been achieved. Rogers admits there have been a few orders that were submitted through the computer but did not go all the way through the system. He speculates that it may have been an error on the customer's end, but that the national Papa John's control was able to recognize the order from the site and contact their store.

    "Still it's a pretty neat system," Rogers said. "More stores near campuses should start using it."

    Lovin' Learning

    Everybody starts the school year with grand ambitions of studying hard, starting papers early and making it through every discussion section. Truthfully though, everyone knows that this mentality will last all of two weeks.

    To help curb the tendency of falling back into poor study habits, 1995 University graduate David Mills is offering an Accelerated Learning class.

    The private course is not affiliated with the University, although it takes place on Grounds in Rouss Hall.

    According to Mills, accelerated learning teaches students to read faster, retain more from what they read, profit more from lectures and enhance mental creativity.

    "I wish so much I'd known the stuff I teach when I was in college," Mills said.

    The class usually has around 12 people per session and goes for six weeks. Information sessions will take place in Chemistry 304 on Sunday, Sept. 10 at 4 p.m. and Tuesday, Spet. 12 at 7 p.m.


    Latest Podcast

    Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.