The Cavalier Daily
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Madison House appoints Bass as interim executive director


House recently appointed Elizabeth Bass as its interim executive director after former director Kelly Eplee resigned.\nBass has worked for the organization for the past six years, most recently serving as its associate director, and also was involved with Madison House as a University student.\n"This organization has been a part of my life for over a decade," Bass said.\nBass said she will continue to work with students and volunteer site staffs in addition to her new duties, which include working with the entire Madison House staff, the financial elements of the organization and complying with its Board of Directors.\nGiven the significant workload associated with her new position, Bass said current Asst. Director of Programs Karver Bolton will be tasked with some of the responsibilities, particularly working with students.\nA definitive plan, though, has not yet been made to fill the executive director position permanently, Board of Directors co-chair Ryan Vaughan said.\n"Elizabeth will be a strong internal candidate," Vaughan said, "but we will evaluate external possibilities as well."\nThe Board of Directors will meet Sept. 13, Vaughan said, at which time the board will discuss its timetable and approach for filling Eplee's former position.\n-compiled by Cameron Feller


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