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Two men charged with assaulting Jason Kessler

Kessler obtained the warrants that were carried out by the Charlottesville Police Department

<p>Jason Kessler attempting to speak at his press conference Aug. 13, before the event descended into chaos.&nbsp;</p>

Jason Kessler attempting to speak at his press conference Aug. 13, before the event descended into chaos. 

Two men, Jeffrey Matthew Winder and Edgar Brandon Collins, have been arrested for charges of assault and battery of Jason Kessler, a pro-white activist and organizer of the “Unite the Right” rally, at his Aug. 13 press conference. 

Kessler fled the press conference as crowds shouted over his statements and eventually surrounded him. He was later escorted out of the downtown area. 

Videos showed one man — purportedly Winder — punching Kessler in the face before protesters chased Kessler out of the area in front of City Hall. 

According to Lt. Steve Upman, Kessler obtained the warrants while the Charlottesville Police Department served them. Both Winder and Collins turned themselves into police and were summonsed to court. 

The Virginia State Police arrested Robert K. Litzenberger, a 47-year-old Charlottesville resident, with misdemeanor assault and battery Aug. 13 after he spat on Kessler. 

Kessler posted a video to his Twitter later Aug. 13 and said, “violence is winning out over ideas and the First Amendment,” as he blamed police for the chaos throughout the weekend.

Kessler also said he would have another press conference at some point, but he has not held a press conference since Aug. 13. 


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