The Cavalier Daily
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Balanced group of runners leads offense

If the Cavaliers have had a consistent strength over the past few years, it has been their running game. Last season, Antwoine Womack became the third Virginia running back to lead the ACC in rushing in the past five seasons. Womack joined Cavaliers Tiki Barber and Thomas Jones, who completed the feat in both 1998 and 1999.

Womack, Virginia's lone member on the All-ACC team last year, leads a group of backs who hope to headline the new offense of coach Al Groh and offensive coordinator Bill Musgrave.

Musgrave is "a different coordinator," Womack said. "He's a very exciting coordinator and he's been in the game and he knows what it takes."

With a big question mark at the quarterback position and an unproven group of receivers, the running game will have to take pressure off the passing offense.

"I feel like we can take pressure off each other," Womack said.

The Cavaliers also have other options to carry the ball besides Womack. Junior Arlen Harris was slated to be the starter last season before an injury led the way to Womack's breakout year.

Senior Tyree Foreman, who was the Cavaliers' second string tailback last season, has switched to the starting fullback position. Foreman said he believes a three-headed attack will only improve an already potent rushing attack.

"I think our running game is going to be pretty good," Foreman said. "I think we're pretty well-balanced in the backfield. I think we're going to keep rotating fresh backs in just to keep us fresh and to have just a different aspect to throw at the offense."

The Cavaliers might just need all of those different aspects after Womack went down with an injury in the loss to Wisconsin. Womack sprained his right ankle, forcing him to leave the game in the first quarter in the Cavaliers 26-17 loss to the Badgers. It is unknown when he will return, but he is not expected to miss more than a week or two.

Even if Womack must stay on the sidelines to rest his ankle, don't expect the newly elected captain to sit quietly on the bench.

"I always thought I was a leader," Womack said. "Now there's just a label on it and I'm a captain. But the issue is winning games, and I'm going to do whatever it takes to win games."

Virginia can only hope that includes leading a successful Cavalier rushing attack - on and off the field.


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