The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Early thanks giving

Have you thanked your cafeteria lady lately?

Despite occasional complaints about long lines and repetitive food, first years know they couldn't survive without Observatory Hill Dining Hall and its staff.

Last Saturday, a group of first years demonstrated their appreciation by declaring an O-Hill Appreciation Day, marked by a "wall of appreciation" in the dining hall.

Four first-year students got the idea as part of a group project for their University seminar.

"It was a loving kindness project," first-year College student Erin Dorsey said. "We were supposed to find a way to make someone's day happier without costing any money."

The four went around their dorms asking students to make signs or notes thanking the O-Hill staff for their work. On Saturday afternoon they posted the signs in O-Hill on the wall between the tray pick-up and the tray return.

The wall reads "O-Hill Appreciation Day" in huge letters, surrounded by the signs and notes, some complete with glitter.

Many of the notes are in bright marker and bubble letters reminiscent of high school good luck signs, with messages ranging from "We Love You" to "O-Hill You're the Best."

O-Hill Kitchen Manager Laura Cash said the staff enjoys the recognition.

"They really appreciate appreciation from the students," Cash said. "It makes them feel good about their jobs, what they do every day."

The staff plans to leave the wall up a little while longer, but Cash said they won't throw it away.

"We're going to take some pictures," Cash said. "We'd like to put it in our Aramark newsletter. Of course we're going to save it."

Dorsey said her group received praise from fellow students as well.

"A lot of my friends said it was a great idea," Dorsey said. "People really seemed to like it."

The four students certainly achieved their goal, as well as going above and beyond every first-year class that has preceeded them.

"I was amazed," Cash said. "It was such a nice thing to do."


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