The Cavalier Daily
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Neale selected as student Board of Visitors member

Catherine Neale, a third-year College student, became the new student member of the Board of Visitors Friday evening.

This year 26 students applied for the position of student member, which is selected annually. The student member has every Board member privilege except for a vote.

Applications were reviewed by a committee of students from several parts of the University population, including Honor, Judiciary, the Greek system, a graduate student and an undergraduate student selected by Vice President for Student Affairs Pat Lampkin and the current student member, law student James Head. Lampkin led the committee.

Rising University fourth years and graduate students who have already completed two years of study at the University were eligible to apply.

"James has been great," said Alexander "Sandy" Gilliam, secretary to the Board of Visitors. "He was an undergraduate at the University and now a law student. He's unique in that he's had his feet in both cabs."

The selection committee narrowed the pool down to 13 applicants, who they interviewed before selecting five to refer to the Board's executive committee. Neale was selected after an interview with the Board's executive committee Thursday evening.

"A broad perspective on student life is important to them," Neale said of the selection process. "I didn't spend too much time looking at Board agendas -- I was more concerned with the student issues because that's my life."

Neale is president of the Arts and Sciences Council and a member of the University Guide Service, Student Council and the Virginia Alpine Ski Club. She was elected to the Raven Society, the University's oldest honor society, and has done paid research for College Dean Ed Ayers.

Neale was born in Britain and moved to Richmond at the age of two. In high school she worked in the Virginia Parent-Student Mock Election. Neale also worked in the Commonwealth's House of Delegates and in the Office of Senator George Allen (R) as a high school student.

"The new student member is bright, involved, will not feel intimidated by the board," Gilliam said. "She won't hesitate to speak up."

Neale will assume her position after the April Board meeting and will serve as the student member at the June meeting.

In other changes to the Board's composition, William Crutchfield and Terrence Ross's terms on the Board expire at the end of the month.

Ross said he was grateful for the opportunity to serve and deal with such a variety of issues during his time on the Board.

"We've done a lot of good in eight years," Ross said. "Access U.Va. was the best thing we did. I just think that's a wonderful program."

Head said he has enjoyed and learned a lot from his time on the Board.

"I've seen the Board make progress on a wide number of issues," Head said. "It's been exciting watching how effective this Board is. They really move things through."

Friday the Board concluded its two-day meeting with discussion of $148 million of differed maintenance on University facilities including $30 million of immediate needs.

The Board also heard committee report summaries and recognized University students for outstanding achievement and donors for large gifts, including University Politics Prof. Larry Sabato's $1 million contribution.


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