The Cavalier Daily
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Lalich to be replaced by Verica against Huskies

Virginia football coach Al Groh announced in a press release yesterday evening that sophomore quarterback Peter Lalich will not be with the team Saturday for its game at Connecticut. Sophomore Marc Verica will start at quarterback in Lalich’s place.
This decision follows charges that Lalich violated the terms of his probation for a July 13 underage drinking charge, according to Charlottesville District Court documents. Sept. 5, The Daily Progress also cited court documents showing that Lalich had confessed to underage drinking and marijuana use while on probation; Lalich first denied those charges publicly in a press conference Tuesday.
“We stand by Peter and in talking with him have made a decision which is best in the short term for him, the team, and our University,” Groh stated in the release. “We have a strong set of standards and values on our team that reflect those of the University and we do not compromise those values to win football games.”
Lalich, who stated in the release that he and Groh agreed on the decision, also reiterated that he has not violated his probation.
“I make mistakes like everyone, but I have followed the terms of my probation and I am committed to our team and the University of Virginia,” Lalich stated in the release.
Athletic Director Craig Littlepage noted in the release he supported the decision.
“Over the past 24 hours I’ve had conversations with both Peter and Coach Groh,” Littlepage stated. “The focus of our discussions shifted from due process and fairness and moved toward what would be best for Peter and the team, at least until such time that matters were cleared up about his probation status.”
Lalich continues to await his Sept. 26 court date, when he will have a hearing at 11 a.m.
“I love my team and my teammates and the way they have let me know that they trust me and have my back,” Lalich stated in the release. “Because I care so much about our team, it is best for me to step back temporarily from my starting position so that my teammates can focus 100 percent on getting ready for the game.”


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