The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Earth Week comes to close as students celebrate annual holiday

University students yesterday celebrated the 40th annual Earth Day with events across Grounds, culminating the week-long efforts of sustainability groups to promote awareness of environmental issues. In Newcomb Terrace, members of U.Va. Sustainability hosted the group's dumpster dive, CAN you guess contest and tap-water challenge. Students planted a dumpster in the middle of the terrace for the dive and separated trash from recyclables to show students how much waste in the dumpster could be deposited in a recycling bin.

The U.Va. EcoMarket attracted students and community members to the Amphitheater for an event hosted by Earth Week Charlottesville, the University Unity Project and Retail Relay. It featured live music and free food, as well as displays from local food producers and green-minded businesses. Additionally, an artisans bazaar of both local and national organizations peddled socially responsible products to students with the aim of demonstrating the ease with which students can bring about environmental change through their purchasing choices.

Fourteen lucky winners of a U.Va. Dining-sponsored raffle attended a Farm-to-Fork Dinner yesterday evening and also received chartered bus service to the Ben Harper concert at the Charlottesville Pavilion. The concert marked the close of Earth Day events on Grounds, as the singer performed as part of his environmentally-friendly tour, hosted by Reverb, aimed at promoting the message of sustainability in cities nationwide.

-compiled by Rodger Nayak


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