The Cavalier Daily
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Club sports gain council

Athletic Affairs Committee announces centralized website, advertising, support

Student Council's Athletic Affairs Committee announced the launch of a new club sports council and discussed sports publicity projects during Council's general body meeting yesterday. The new council will maintain a website where club sports participants can find centralized schedules, areas and practice fields.

The council will consist of representatives from each sport and a president, who will also be a member of the Athletic Affairs Committee. The council will meet only several times a semester, but club sports team captains will regularly communicate their results and practice times online, as well as with potential new members.

"We will not have the power to reinforce rules or place restrictions on teams," Athletic Affairs Committee Co-Chair Ben Powell said. "We just ask that each team participate if they want the publicity."

Athletic Affairs has already launched a website - - which will serve to publicize club teams, gain recognition and funding, organize tournaments and centralize advertising and support for the club sports, Powell said. The website will be run by team captains who will keep blogs for each team's recent activities. These blog posts will appear both on the team's page and on the council home page, so visitors will be able to keep abreast of the most recent club sports activities. Visitors also can see teams' schedules on the website's calendar.

"The website seemed like it was the best place for students to go," Powell said. "We thought about a few ways of publicizing that information and sharing it, but really the best way we saw of doing it was this website."

The Athletic Affairs Committee has been working on new ways of publicizing the upcoming football season and Homecoming 2011, as well. The athletic department decided to stop producing football fan T-shirts, instead opting to make a larger and more publicized Homecoming week. The Committee is waiting for the Atlantic Coast Conference to set the upcoming football schedule before publicizing the game.

"They're going to pick a good game; [it] should be a rivalry game," Committee Co-Chair Chris Schulz said. "We have three or four ideas in the works, and [athletic department personnel are] pushing really hard for us to make it interesting."

The athletic department presented the Committee with a plethora of Homecoming ideas implemented by large sports schools across the nation, including the University of Texas and the University of California at Los Angeles.

"We have ideas of what makes Homecoming successful," Powell said. "We want to give it our own U.Va. twist, give it something that makes it uniquely ours"


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