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Games to watch in 2011

DC Universe Online\nReleased date: Jan. 11 for PC and PS3\nWe all dream about having superpowers, but unfortunately, only in video games is that dream likely to be fulfilled. DC Universe Online, the latest superhero offering from Sony, allows players to create their own superheroes and fight alongside the comic book all-stars we know, love and wish we could become. Using an imaginative custom character creation system, choose between hero and villain, and get ready to either learn from Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, or train with the sinister minds of Lex Luthor, The Joker and Circe.\n\nLittle Big Planet 2\nRelease date: Jan. 18 for PS3\nMedia Molecule's 2008 hit LittleBigPlanet celebrated creativity in video games, and its anticipated sequel has brought the same kind of ingenuity. This adorable and imaginative platformer comes with 40-plus brilliantly designed and varied levels for you to puzzle-solve your way through. What's even more notable, though, is that this sequel has a simpler yet deeper "Create" mode for players to design their own inspired levels and share them with the rest of the world.

Dead Space 2\nRelease date: Jan. 25 for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC\nWell-made horror games are a dime a dozen these days, but thankfully, coming off of the success of its first installment in 2008, Visceral Games' Dead Space 2 will bring plenty of screams and jitters. Engineer Isaac Clarke is back to take on the horrifying Necromorph infestation, which turns humans into rabid alien monsters. Expect new types of monsters to pop out of dark corners, from the appropriately named Puker to the gigantic Tripod.

Marvel vs. Capcom 3\nRelease date: Feb. 15 for Xbox 360 and PS3\nOne of the most anticipated games of the first quarter of the year, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 will finally give gamers who have been killing time with Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for 10 years a reason to try something new. This fighting game pits favorite Marvel Universe superheroes and villains against characters from classic Capcom games such as Street Fighter and Mega Man. Of course, players can expect returning characters - including Wolverine, Spider-Man, Ryu and Felicia - but this new game wouldn't be as exciting without the fighters making their first appearances in the franchise, such as Thor, M.O.D.O.K., Zero and Arthur from Ghosts 'n Goblins.

Bulletstorm\nRelease date: Feb. 22 for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC\nGame developer Epic is famous for invigorating first-person shooter franchises, with both the Unreal and Gears of War franchises having emerged from the studio as of late. Epic hopes to continue its streak with Bulletstorm, a shooter aimed at giving players more outlandish fun in the genre. Players fight as exiled mercenary Grayson Hunt, now a drunken space pirate, who crash lands on a planet inhabited by mutants and flesh-eating freaks. The combat is over-the-top, the weapons are huge and the new "skillshot" system rewards you for killing things in the most stylish, distinctive and bloody ways.


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