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Fall video game premiere: gamers line up for upcoming stand-out releases

Classes are kicking into gear just in time for the fall video game season. tableau has separated the best from the rest, and you

Gears of War 3 - Releases Sept. 20 for Xbox 360\nThe Gears of War 2 cliffhanger has kept fans of the franchise on the edge of their seats for nearly three years. In just three weeks, the final installment of the series that started the current generation of video games will hit Xbox 360 consoles coast to coast. And don't expect this last bout to be simple. The developers at Epic Games have added four-player co-op so you can grab three friends and take down the enemy aliens together. With that upgraded campaign and the return of the beloved multiplayer, expect the Gears of War trilogy to go out with a bang.

Batman: Arkham City - Releases Oct. 18 for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC\nBatman: Arkham Asylum was the biggest surprise hit of 2009, obliterating the assumption that superhero-based video games are mediocre at best. Considering the unexpected success, it is no surprise that developers Rocksteady Studios upped the ante, bringing us the sequel only two years since the original was released. The main attraction is the ability to play as Catwoman; Rocksteady has promised that her gameplay will be a completely different style from Batman's, giving a pleasant variety to the series. With a larger scale environment, expect plenty of thugs to fight and plenty of ways to take them down.

Battlefield 3 - Releases Oct. 25 for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC\nCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Releases Nov. 8 for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC\nIf there ever was a rivalry in the video game industry, this would be it. Both Battlefield and Call of Duty are huge first-person shooter franchises, but have different audiences and play styles. Battlefield emphasizes the toil of war, big vehicles and huge, realistic multiplayer matches. On the other hand is Call of Duty, which likes to be flashy, intense and adrenaline-boosting. By the end of the year, the industry will finally see who's king.

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception - Releases Nov. 1 for PS3\nThe critically acclaimed Uncharted series, developed by Naughty Dog, has been commended for everything from top-notch graphics to highly developed action scenes. With the third and final installment, Naughty Dog looks to end its trilogy in an exciting and emotional way. Uncharted 3 previews have displayed powerfully dynamic water, fire and sand effects, adding to the intensity of adventures that main character Drake will experience. On the storytelling side, Naughty Dog promises that this finale will finally focus on the relationship between Drake and his swashbuckling partner Sully, putting their friendship to the test.

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Releases Nov. 11 for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC\nBoasting at least 300 hours of total gameplay, be glad that no other big releases will be calling for your attention when Elder Scrolls V hits shelves. The developers at Bethesda have revamped the skill and ability system interface, as well as a few others. Most of all, expect to explore more than 150 dungeons and slay hundreds of dragons and steal their powers. Footage has shown that these creatures are just as terrifying, majestic and powerful as we all have imagined them to be. I think now is a good time to start preparing for the journey.


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