The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

From the archives: Feb. 12 – Feb. 18

This week: Midwinters, Anti-War Committee and Rosa Parks


February 13, 1957

“Faulkner Arrives To Assume Role As Writer-In-Residence”

No Author

William Faulkner, one of the most renowned American authors of all time, moved near Grounds in 1957 after taking on the role as a Writer-In-Residence, which would be his first and only long stay at a University. In this role, he made plans to discuss his works with some of the University’s English courses. He also scheduled office hours where students and faculty could share their writing problems.


February 15, 1963

“Festivities Recalled Of Past Weekends”

By Steve Zimmet

“Ode to Mid-Winters Weekend”

By Frank Briggs

A tradition which was believed to have started in the late 19th century, Midwinters, went through a lot of changes over the years–including being snowed out and top entertainers performing. Even with all of these changes, students believed the University custom “will always be there”. However, this social weekend along with Easters and Openings, two other long-held traditions, were banned by the University in the early 1980s after multiple drinking-related accidents occurred.


February 17, 1971

“Committee Plans Anti-War Action”

By Terry Jasperson

The Virginia Mobilization Committee was formed due to students wanting to revive the anti-war movement. The organization's main focus was finding ways to implement the People’s Peace Treaty. The Committee received hundreds of signatures as well as multiple ratifications from other organizations including the Friends of Free Palestine.


February 12, 1986

“A kiss is just a kiss…”

By Debbie Mogan

In honor of the holiday celebrating love, here is a helpful guide to what you could have given that special someone in 1986. At the time, a dozen cookies would run you only $2.50! What a deal.


February 12, 1990

“Rosa Parks remembers civil rights movement

By Angela Handley

Photo by Lynn Manning

Rosa Parks made an appearance on Grounds during a celebration of Black History Month where she gave a speech discussing segregation and her role as a civil rights activist. The influential figure advocated for voting in local and national elections, emphasizing that many became injured or lost their lives for this right that many take for granted.


February 13, 2008

“Hoos or Boos”

By Lindsay Huggins

Enjoy this summary of what was a “HOO” and what was a “BOO” in the 2000s. Hillary Clinton, who visited the University that week, was a HOO, while the groundhog announcing more winter was a BOO.


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Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.