The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890



U.Va. students smoke less than national average

While only 13 percent of U.Va. students smoke cigarettes, the detrimental effects of second-hand smoking make smoking on grounds a public health concern for all students. The University has recognized this communal responsibility and responded with a stringent no-smoking policy in and around buildings, as well as a variety of informational and health resources for students and faculty interested in quitting.


Exploring Class Council selection processes

Once the election process is completed, student self-governance provides the winning president and vice president the ability to carry out the selection process for the Council’s body at their own discretion — a practice that has raised concerns among current Council members.


The ins and outs of Virginia ABC

In light of the recent arrest and charge of third-year College student Martese Johnson by Virginia Alcohol and Beverage Control, many questions have been raised regarding the jurisdiction and authority of ABC agents.

Shea House is home to eight different East Asian or European language communities.

A look inside University language communities

University language communities provide students with an opportunity for cultural immersion within Charlottesville. Each academic year, students apply to live in the house of their choice to further their studies of a particular language and culture.


Student election results forecast change

The University of Board of Elections announced the results of the Spring 2015 Election on Friday. Newly-elected student leaders comment upon significant changes they hope to implement, as well as upon the campaigning process.


Kaine, One Less propose education bill

University Contracted Independent Organization One Less presented the Teach Safe Relationships Act bill with Virginia Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine to the U.S. Senate Tuesday Feb. 3. Members of One Less worked with Kaine to craft the bill.


StudCo realigns following tumultuous semester

Derailing well-laid tracks In response to a series of events that shook the University community last semester, Student Council shifted its focus from day-to-day student concerns to focus on promoting and ensuring student safety. Safety and Wellness Chair Rachel Murphy, a third-year College student, said her committee originally planned to focus on an anti-smoking platform for the fall semester. “We were really committed to looking at making U.Va.


Navigating Fraternity Rush

This year’s fraternity rush is expected, by some, to be the safest and most supervised recruitment in recent years. Inter-Fraternity Council President-elect Ben Gorman, a third-year College student, said the negative coverage of Greek life by Rolling Stone and other media outlets has, in fact, led to a slight decrease in rush signups.


A Look at Resident Advisors

The University will begin to accept applications for Resident Advisors in the next two weeks — with Focused Area applications due Jan. 16 and First Year and Upperclass Area applications due Jan. 17. Applicants, who will receive decisions in March, will complete a written application and undergo group and individual interviews to determine who will supervise on-Grounds housing.


A push for increased safety on the Downtown Mall

In the aftermath of the disappearance and death of second-year College student Hannah Graham, University students, Charlottesville citizens and city officials have found themselves increasingly concerned with personal safety.


ISIS: a global issue with a local angle

A collaborative effort between the University, charity organizations and research groups brought a swath of engaged professors, politicians and aid workers to Grounds last month for a panel to discuss the Islamic State, the violence the organization perpetrates against women and various strategies the international community can employ to alleviate the challenges victims face.

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.