The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Henry Mountcastle

To ensure that we continue to have a habitable earth to appreciate, the University must expand their climate goals to promote ongoing environmental awareness and create citizen leaders who lead climate-conscious lives even after they graduate.   
The General Assembly must move forward with regulation of marijuana sales in order to save lives from lacing and over-concentration.
The next DOTL event will be held April 17 and the final day is April 22.
An alternate student was offered the position after Baddeliyanage vacated it.
Carving out time to enjoy the glorious sun — eating lunch outside, going on an evening walk or simply appreciating the beaming sun while going to and from classes — is a definite mood booster and can make busy school days much more enjoyable.
Junior attacker Connor Shellenberger scored the first goal of the afternoon for Virginia. 
U.Va. Sustainability's zero waste program seeks to rectify "wish-cycling" by providing designated compost bins around grounds.
The opening of Carytown Tobacco has only elevated the opportunity for young adult substance abuse and illegal consumption, which adversely affects the community.
Many convenience stores are open later than dining halls, meaning students rely on those locations for food after hours.
The Green Games initiative enlists student volunteers to help fans sort waste for recycling and composting at home football games.

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