The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Assailants attack, rob drunk student

A University student reported being robbed by four unknown black males early yesterday morning while walking home from the Corner along Hospital Drive with some of his friends.

According to police, the student had been drinking, was unable to walk and was being accompanied home by two of his friends.

According to police, at around 2:20 a.m., the suspects approached the three students and pretended to lend them assistance.

"They were leaving the Corner and just passing through Grounds when these guys just came up to them," University Police Capt. Michael Coleman said.

According to police reports, one suspect reached into the intoxicated victim's pant pocket and took his wallet.

A small scuffle ensued after one friend confronted the pickpocket and two of the suspects began to strike the students.

"They were struck and suffered minor injuries," Coleman said.

"There was no record of medical treatment," he said.

He added that after the scuffle, the suspects fled and escaped with the victim's wallet and an undetermined sum of money.

The victims reported the suspects as being black males between 20 and 25 years of age, 5'7" to 5'9" tall and weighing 160-180 pounds each.

According to Charlottesville Police Lt. R. O. Jones, personal robberies are rare on the Corner.

However, police advise students to be careful and more aware of their safety whenever they have spent the evening consuming alcoholic beverages.

"We've preached for years for students not to drink so much," Jones said.

"It's very easy to be taken advantage of when someone can see that you've been drinking a lot," he said.

"In general, surveys show that people who have been drinking...tend to see an increase in criminal attack," Coleman said.


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