The Cavalier Daily
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Warner picks new BOV members

Gov. Mark R. Warner announced his appointment of three new members to the University's Board of Visitors March 8.

The new members, A. MacDonald "Mac" Caputo, Alan A. Diamonstein and Vincent J. Mastracco, Jr. will hold four-year terms and will serve actively at the next Board meeting Mar. 31.

The appointments were well received at the University.

"This is a very strong group of appointees, one of the strongest in recent years," Politics Prof. Larry Sabato said. "Each of these people has certain talents that will be a great benefit to the University."

Sabato suggested that some might criticize the new members' lack of diversity.

"That's a legitimate concern, but these are very qualified people," Sabato said.

The selection process brought out the best candidates, Board Secretary Alexander "Sandy" Gilliam said.

"Appointment to any board or commission in the state is going to be political," Gilliam said. "What we've seen with this governor is that he appointed a commission when he took office to vet all candidates for BOVs within the Commonwealth. We have enjoyed the fruits of that commission's labor."

The appointees represent a wide range of careers, but all are alumni and share an interest in and dedication to the University.

"I am absolutely thrilled with my appointment," Diamonstein said. "I can't think of any appointment I would have rather had from the Governor. I believe in U.Va. and everything it stands for."

Diamonstein actively has been lobbying his former colleagues in the House of Delegates, where he served his hometown of Newport News from 1967 until 2002, for greater autonomy for the University. He has chaired the Virginia Democratic Party and the Southern Democratic Caucus.

"He's a great friend of higher education and a good friend of the University," Gilliam said.

Caputo is a member of the group that manages the University's endowment, a member of the Capital Campaign's National Executive Committee, a member of the Executive Board of the Jefferson Scholars Program, and the Board of Trustees of the College of Arts and Sciences, among other alumni activities, the University reported in a press release.

Outside of the University, Caputo is an investment banker with Morgan Stanley where he is an advisory director. Caputo currently resides in Greenwich, Ct. During his time at the University he was named an All-American in lacrosse and served as captain of the lacrosse and soccer teams.

Mastracco has served as a campaign volunteer for the Arts and Sciences Alumni Council and is a member of the Board of Managers of the University Alumni Association. He practices law in Norfolk and has earned praise by the Virginia Business magazine as a member of the Commonwealth's "legal elite."

The new board members are working to brief themselves on the issues before the board as they prepare for the upcoming board meeting.

"I have known the University from a totally different viewpoint," Diamonstein said. "I think a lot of us on the outside do not know as much about the problems as the students and faculty. I look forward to learning more about it as I prepare for the meetings."


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