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Magazine names U.Va. nurse Best Nurse Leader

University Medical Center nurse Annette Silver recently was named Advance for Nurses Magazine's 2005 Best Nurse Leader.

Silver received first place in the region of Maryland, D.C. and Virginia.

Silver is a clinician IV in the Angio/Interventional Radiology Unit of the University Medical Center and nurse leader in the department.

According to Gail Guterl, editor of Advance for Nurses in the region, nominees are evaluated in a number of areas, including their interpersonal skills, ability to make a difference in patient outcome and overall contribution to work environment.

Caroline McDaniels, a nurse in Silver's department, nominated Silver for the award.

Silver has worked at the University Medical Center since 1997 and has been a nurse for 26 years. She leads the equivalent of 13.5 full-time nurses in her department.

When she started her current position in 2004, Silver said she needed to learn about the culture and the people of the Angio/Interventional Radiology Department.

"My goal was to really develop a cohesive and exciting nursing team," Silver said. "We had a variety of different skills and strengths."

Just before she was given the Advance for Nurses award, her staff gave her their own seal of approval. The staff organized a luncheon and presented her with an engraved clock, Silver said.

Nominations for the award are reviewed by three judges, nurses from outside the region with expertise in leadership, and the nominees are given points for the various criteria.

Based on points received by the judges, Silver was given the top honors.

"Her ability to work with people was really amazing," Guterl said.

Another key factor in her leadership is her willingness to provide flexible scheduling for her nurses.

"She makes a real effort to accommodate these nurses," Guterl said.

According to Guterl, the magazine started the Best Nurse Leader award after feedback showed a connection between good leaders and job satisfaction.

"We felt that the leadership of a unit is very important," Guterl said.

Guterl emphasized that nurse leaders are not necessarily nurse managers; in fact, Silver herself does not hold that title.

As first place winner, Silver will receive an engraved plaque, an honorary board member position for the magazine and a feature in the publication.

In addition Silver's picture is featured on the cover of the current Advance for Nurses Magazine.

Silver was quick to share credit with her co-workers.

"What makes a good nurse leader is having a great team, and I have a phenomenal team here," Silver said.


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