The Cavalier Daily
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U.Va. Health System seeks to improve efficiency, patient care

The University Health System recently selected Claraview, a strategy and technology consulting firm, to develop a "data warehouse" that will be used to improve the quality of patient care and to maximize efficiency.

"The health system has lots of different computer systems to help it provide care," Health System Computing Administrator Kevin Burbules said. "Very typically, in health systems like this one, there's a need to aggregate information from all of the various systems so that decisions can be made effectively."

According to Burbules, the data warehouse will augment speed and efficiency, making hospital beds more readily available and easily accessible.

"Basically this data warehouse will allow us to make decisions, make better decisions and make them more quickly," Burbules said.

Claraview Partner Eric Driscoll said the ability to track patient care is a high priority, adding that the better the health system's understanding of medications, tests and when and how people get sick or well, the better care patients will receive.

"At the end of the day it will save lives and lower the cost of medical care," he said.

The data warehouse is also designed to improve the University's understanding of resource use, which could lead to more efficient spending.

"Those savings could be applied to hire more of the very best caregivers, which would in turn allow us to provide even better care to our patients," Burbules said.

After putting out a request for proposals, Burbules said the University chose Claraview based on the company's experience, reasonable cost and response to the proposal.

Driscoll explained that his company won the competitive bid, among other reasons, because Claraview "give[s] them our tools and our experience," he said. "At some point when we get the system off the ground, they can maintain it without us"


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