The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890



Open letter from the Twelve Society

PEOPLE of the University: It pleases us to announce the formation of a new secret society at the University, the 12 Society. You see, the way it happened was this--we (there were 12 of us, of course) were sitting around on Monday (July 12th), and we figured it would be really cool to form a secret society.


Black nationalism not separatism

About half way through last week's column "Race nationalism serves no purpose," Michael Clarkson makes the very astute claim that racial "nationalism" creates racial "unity." This is probably accurate.


Burn flag, not constitution

When you think of one issue that desperately requires this nation's immediate attention, one thing that cries for all of us to unite in passing a constitutional amendment about, what comes to mind?


Kory settlement offer never mattered

I GUESS we're supposed to feel really stupid right about now. With Alexander "Sandy" Kory's alleged greed exposed, we're supposed to fall all over ourselves weeping bitter tears of shame over the agony through which we put Richard Smith, Bradley Kintz and Harrison Kerr Tigrett. Perhaps you missed our "moment of revelation." Last week, The Cavalier Daily obtained a copy of a letter to Smith's attorney from Kory's lawyer.


Tales from an old country

OUR TOUR guide wouldn't have cut it in America. Her voice carried no more than three feet, her composure faltered any time a motorcar honked, and she left out important information even though she went on for two hours.


GOP needs increased social focus

WE COULD immediately tell that the letter was a clever deception. I had my suspicions the moment my roommate pulled the envelope from the mailbox and said, "It's from Steve Forbes!" Then he added, "It can't be that Steve Forbes... can it?" To my surprise, it was the Steve Forbes who's running for President, and he (according to his letter), wanted us to look at a fact sheet he had typed up and answer a short survey.

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.