The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Ethan Fingerhut

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The Committee voted to incorporate a total of 8 new projects into the 2024 plan, which will cost a total of $20.5 million. 
Because public discourse about the University’s cybersecurity weaknesses could expose vulnerabilities to hackers, discussion of specific risks remained closed in accordance with the exemptions present in the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. 
For the fiscal year 2023 through June 30 the total fundraising progress was nearly $550 million — this includes both completed donations and pledges.
In an effort to improve fourth-year retention rates, the University at Wise has outfitted an Academic Success Center to provide students with academic support.
The report found that students who participated in Hoos Connected were less lonely and felt more connected to the University community than a control group who did not participate in the program.
Following the audit report, the Committee entered closed session to consider the performance of administrative personnel and consult with legal representatives concerning an undisclosed compliance matter within U.Va Health.
Raucher’s design for the Karsh Institute is not final and she will share designs again when the Board meets in March of 2023. 
The Young Democratic Socialists of America announced the incident in a tweet at roughly 11 a.m. Friday morning.
Chanwong cited an increased workload after entering graduate school as the reason behind his departure.

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