The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Mariel Messier

In May 2015, Long launched the Chris Long Foundation which helps raise money for, an initiative which provides clean water to rural communities in East Africa.

MESSIER: The Long way

Long’s actions and unwavering mission to better each community that he becomes a part of reveal much more about his character than one — or two — visits to the White House might show.

Carla Williams 把决心与想象带入夏村

Carla Williams的一生一直在为下一步做准备---更大的一步。前大学篮球明星从小一直在找机会出人头地---比如即使她在LaGrange, Ga长大,仍和当地的男孩子们一起玩足球和篮球。

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