The Cavalier Daily
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Security at Foxfields Races to tighten

At a press conference last Friday the Albemarle County Police Department announced a coalition of law enforcement officials and other organizations created cut down on the "drunkenness and debauchery" of the upcoming Apr. 29 Foxfield Races.

"The races at Foxfields has become a place where students believe heavy drinking will be excused," said Laura Clark, president of the University's Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Team.

In addition to Albemarle Police, the coalition includes Virginia State Police, University of Virginia Police, Albemarle Sherriff's Deputies, Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control and non-law enforcement organizations such as the Virginia College Parents and the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Team.

According to Albemarle Police Capt. Crystal Limerick, police activity at the races will be very different this year.

"We're pulling together a partnership this year that's unprecedented," Limerick said.

The partnership will make for a significant increase in police presence which will be four or five times as large as in any previous year, Limerick said.

The coalition is working in cooperation with the Foxfield Racing Association, which has pledged to promote safety at the event.

"Safety comes first and with that comes security," Foxfield Racing Association president J. Benjamin Dick said. "We want to have a peaceful, law-abiding, safe Foxfield Races."

The Web site of the Foxfield Racing Association details new safety procedures and stresses the illegality of underage drinking. Foxfield regulations state that all buses containing intoxicated passengers will be denied access to the races.

Albemarle Police will be working with the Virginia Motorcoach Association to cut down on so-called "party buses" which often carry intoxicated students to the event.

The coalition will also be working on improving safety through methods other than security, such as providing free non-alcoholic refreshments for all designated drivers.

"It's truly a two-pronged approach with a heavy effort on education," Limerick said.

The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Team will be providing food and water to University students at the event.

"We just want U.Va. students to have a good time but also to be safe," Clark said.

Although significant measures will be taken to increase security and cut down on dangerous illegal activities, members of the coalition insist that they are not trying to ruin the fun of the races.

"We're not going to be out there trying to end the fun," said Frank Monahan, enforcement director of the Virginia Department of ABC. "You can have fun without abusing alcohol."


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