The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Cecy Juárez

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We ended our night on an especially sweet note and polished off our dessert in no time. 
Invisible illnesses also have a unique form of stigma since no one automatically knows about their condition, it can sometimes leave the individual feeling unseen and invalidated.
this is where you take a line from the article that somehow relates to the visual. it cannot be the same thing as abstract
I highly recommend for anyone looking to experience the beautiful spirit and tastes of Charlottesville to check out Fig during Restaurant Week and afterwards.
This apple pie recipe is one of my proudest accomplishments from all my time at the University.
As a fourth-year, I want to experience everything the University has to offer, and one thing I’ve always wanted to try is to do work in the Rotunda.
Saying goodbye to someone not only represents a change in our lives but more importantly, as I’ve realized, it reminds us of the growth of our own selves.  
Cecy Juárez是The Cavalier Daily生活专栏的编辑。
Cecy Juárez是本报的生活专栏作家。
Every time I look back at a photo and notice the date, I’m swept by a wave of nostalgia.

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