The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Christine Brubaker

Greek system concerned with diversity

Jack Warburton, former president of Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity, said only nine out of 40 members in Pi Lamb are minorities - yet Pi Lamb is one of the most ethnically diverse fraternities at the University. The reason for the under-representation of minority membership, according to Sitha Ngan, one of the few Asian brothers in Pi Lamb, is due to the low number of Asians, blacks and Latinos that rush the system in the first place. "Minorities don't rush because they are intimidated by the stereotypically white Greek system," Ngan said.

Studies show teens at high risk for STDs

Despite increased attention to the dangers of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, recent studies show many sexually active teens are ignorant of the true risks of potentially hazardous sex habits. According to a national study by Bruce Jancin in OBGYN News, 40 percent of sexually active teenagers have never discussed STDs with a partner, 43 percent do not use condoms during intercourse, and an even greater 55 percent do not discuss STDs with their current partners. While most members of the University community have passed their teen years, the student population is not immune to these statistics. Although cases of HIV and AIDS are rarely reported at the University's Student Health Center, other STDs are still commonplace and potentially very dangerous. According to Dr. Christine Peterson of Student Health's Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, STDs such as chlamydia and Human Papilloma Virus are quite common on college campuses. Every sexually active woman who visits a gynecologist, for example, is tested for chlamydia. "The chlamydia rates have dropped recently and HPV rates have risen," Peterson said.

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