The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Emily Kane

Parting thoughts

BACK IN his super-earnestbleeding-heart-on-his-sleeve days, the young Bono sang, "I can't change the world, but I can change the world in you" (this being years before he actually went out and tried to change the world), and, in a way, that's what I've tried to do in my year as ombudsman.

Meticulous reporting, following up

THE TRAVEL guide company Frommer's named Charlottesville as the nation's best place to live, and the CD reported the news rightfully as the leading news story on March 31.

Timeliness and vigilance

PUTTING out a paper on a daily basis can be a very stressful task. Besides the basic reporting and photography, staffers also sell and design ads, write headlines and captions, draw graphics and comics and design and lay out all of these pieces on the page.

CD community concerns

LAST TUESDAY, The Cavalier Daily held a community concerns meeting during its own production hours at 7 p.m.

Of humor, grief and bias

COMING back after Spring Break, the CD still was dealing with the aftermath of a Life column by A-J Aronstein published March 2.

Improving our sex columns

SEX -- or more conservatively termed "relationship" -- columns have been popping up in college publications around the country at schools such as UC-Berkeley, NYU, Yale and ACC pals like Wake Forest and Maryland.

Critiquing the critics

THE LAST pages of The Cavalier Daily's first section aren't the only places in a newspaper where readers can turn to find a heavy dose of opinion.

A healthy start

INCLUDING a note from its editor, Whitney Garrison, the new Health & Sexuality page debuted last Monday with an open and honest voice that is refreshing, especially when these topics often can be difficult to broach.

New staff, new page

THE TRANSITION from old to new staff at The Cavalier Daily is going fairly smoothly, with a few bumps along the road.

Speedy delivery, improved online edition

WELCOME aboard to the 115th staff of The Cavalier Daily, most of which was elected by its peers just over a week ago. CD elections are pretty fascinating proceedings that demonstrate the enthusiasm and vigor that embodies its typical staffers.

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