The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Here's your shot to take a shot

Imagine University Hall ablaze with lights, filled to the top row of seats with Cavaliers enthusiastically cheering -- for you.

For the Virginia men's basketball team, this scenario is not unusual.

And if you're a guy who's ever dreamed about experiencing it with them, here's your chance.

The team is holding walk-on tryouts this Monday, from 7 to 9 p.m. at U-Hall.

Asst. Coach Scott Shepherd said this is the first such tryout in the past few years. At the last walk-on tryout, before Shepherd came to the University, six men were chosen for the team.

Tryouts were set up this year to add numbers to the team in case of injuries in practice or on the court, he said.

"We only have 11 scholarship players this year," Shepherd said. "We're hoping to get guys to fill out the team, help in practice, and get good numbers for depth."

Like any athletic team tryouts, basketball tryouts include drills. But Shepherd said there also is an important interview component.

"We want to see what their expectations are and see if they match with ours," Shepherd said.

Some preliminary paperwork, such as a physical and a waiver form, is required before the tryout, Shepherd added. Those who make the cut must submit paperwork and drug tests to ensure that they comply with NCAA rules.

Shepherd said he already has seen some interest.

"We've had five to 10 people call over the last couple of days," he said. "I expect between 30 and 35 to turn out. We're excited."

Shepherd expects to see candidates with diverse basketball backgrounds, anyone from high school players to U.Va. club team members.

"Maybe some guys played at a lower school and came to U.Va. for a good education," Shepherd said. "Maybe they want to expand on their basketball opportunities. Some of these guys are probably pretty good players."

Shepherd said that while the team is not looking for starting players, walk-ons are very valuable to the team.

And there's always the possibility of a chance to see some playing time.

"We've had very good success with walk-ons over the years," Shepherd said. "They've contributed in practice, and some have even contributed in games."


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