The Cavalier Daily
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Groups prepare to transition

Newly-elected Student Council, Honor and University Judiciary Committee members will soon take over their respective positions.

Student Council will officially induct their new members in late April, according to Student Council President-elect Darius Nabors. Prior to the induction, Council will meet as an entire executive board with the new and old members to discuss the upcoming year. Newly elected members will also meet individually with the current office holder, Nabors added.

The University Board of Elections is also making plans to choose its members for next year after concluding this term with a special election for Second Year Council vice president, due to a candidate being left off of the ballot.

First-year College student Christina Polenta won the Second Year Council vice president position in the special election.

The University Judiciary Committee will train new representatives over the next two weeks, said re-elected College Rep. Connor Sullivan. The new UJC Executive Committee will be elected by the outgoing Committee March 26 and will be sworn in April 1, Sullivan added.

Sullivan also discussed his plans for next year's Committee.

"The thing I would like to contribute to UJC is visibility around Grounds," Sullivan said, "and using support officers to communicate with student groups and bring back new ideas."

Raleigh Anne Blank, who will be serving her fourth year on the Committee, said she wants to make the committee work in a more timely,organized fasion, collaborating with the deans and the student body.

"You can say UJC to a person and they may only remember it from orientation," Blank said.

The new Honor Committee will be take office on April 3, according to outgoing Vice Chair for Trials Stewart Ackerly. The newly elected Committee and a transition committee made up of current Honor Committee members will go on a retreat to elect the new executive committee.

According to Christopher Jones, University Board of Elections vice chair, although there was an increase in graduate student voting from last year, turnout for this year's election was lower than last year but higher than two years ago. Twenty-four percent of eligible voters voted two years ago, 32 percent voted last year, and 28 percent voted in this year's elections.

The outgoing UBE will make recommendations to the new board, which will take office in April.

There was a 13.7 percent turnout of eligible voters in the special election run for the Second Year Council vice president.

"We're still pleased with the participation," Jones said. "Turnout in student elections at U.Va. is very high compared to student turnout at other universities."


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