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VQR nominated for six awards

The Virginia Quarterly Review has been nominated this week for six awards by the American Society of Magazine Editors, according to VQR editor Tim Genoways.

Two nominations are for essays, two for fiction, one in the review and criticism category and one in general excellence for magazines with a circulation under 100,000.

"This year the thing that is just amazing and exciting for us is six nominations," Genoways said. "We got the second most overall and more than the traditional powerhouses."

Harpers, National Geographic, The New Yorker and Gentlemen's Quarterly each garnered five nominations, according to a release issued Wednesday by the American Association of Magazine Editors. The Atlantic earned eight.

VQR submitted pieces to the awards program for consideration along with other industry awards but "the National Magazine Awards are the big one," VQR Managing Editor Kevin Morrissey said.

VQR received two nominations last year: one for fiction and one for general excellence, Genoways added.

Isabel Allende, Sven Birkerts, Brock Clarke, Pauline Chen, Alan Heathcock, Joyce Carol Oates, Martin Preib and R.T. Smith are the nominated authors from The Virginia Quarterly Review.

Finalists were chosen by a panel of 215 judges from among the 1,643 entries submitted by 356 print and online publications, according to the release. Established in 1966, the National Magazine Awards program is sponsored by the American Society of Magazine Editors in association with the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, according to the release.

"This year's finalists showcase the tremendous pool of creative editorial talent that is the hallmark of our industry," Kahan said in the press release. "Magazines endure because of their ability to serve the ever-changing needs of readers with world-class content that informs, entertains and delights."

Genoways and Morissey will attend the awards ceremony at the Lincoln Center in New York City May 9.

"I guess what is worth mentioning is that these are the equivalent of the Pulitzer's of the magazine world," Genoways said. "We are extremely glad to be nominated and this year we're hoping to bring home an award."


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