The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890


 It’s crazy to think how long ago I entered the digital world, and how my Instagram profile has since evolved.

Maturing through social media

I believe social media should be an outlet where individuals can freely express themselves, and for me I feel like I've arrived at a comfortable position to do so.

Glasses are often seen as bookish and I will admit that I happen to love that — that is part of the reason why I love my glasses as much as I do.

A love letter to my glasses

I think it is really unique to be able to express yourself through a physical accessory and have it just become a part of your identity. 

 Niharika Singhvi is a Life Columnist for The Cavalier Daily. She can be reached at  

A word on Wordle

In a way, the game humanized everyone a bit more. At the end of the day, we’re all more similar than we may think. 

To me, it doesn’t matter if something doesn’t have an inherent purpose. Stuffed animals are made to sit, look cute and be loved.

Embracing our youth

With all of the responsibility that comes along with life, it’s important to remember our desires that stem from youth and innocence. 

I am trying to be intentional about when and how much caffeine I exactly consume. 

My big fat caffeine addiction

I am by no means a health expert, I am simply someone who has realized they are far too dependent on caffeine on a daily basis and wants to remedy that. 

Yasmin Teixeira is a Life columnist for The Cavalier Daily.

The fourth-year blues

Like many, I’ve always understood periods of my life as chapters. This chapter is ending, but I have no idea what the next chapter is or who’s in it.

All of the little items I’ve collected bear a unique story of their own, reminding me of all the places I’ve come from. 

What defines home?

My idea of home will only keep evolving as I grow, but it’s important for me to relish in the space I inhabit now.

Is school truly always the most important part of my life? And how do I handle the guilt associated with missing classes?

“You paid to be there”

The supposed grievousness, ingratitude and moral offense of skipping class wasn’t what was getting to me — it was what my missed classes were leading me to believe about myself. 

Saying goodbye to someone not only represents a change in our lives but more importantly, as I’ve realized, it reminds us of the growth of our own selves.  

Saying goodbye

Bidding our friends farewell is really a celebration of the passage of time. It is a call to remember the growth you’ve experienced, the memories you have made and the time you have spent together.

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.