The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890



Odds and Ends

Food for Honor The Honor Committee is giving away food this week. Doughnuts, Papa John's Pizza and Big Jim's Bar-B-Que are all part of the Honor Committee's Honor Awareness week. "The main goal of Honor Awareness Week is to create a discussion of the honor system," Vice Chair for Education Luke Mitchell said. Yesterday marked the kickoff of the committee's Honor Awareness Week with free doughnuts on the Lawn and at the Chemistry auditorium.


Meet Mr. Virginia

Last Monday, Fox television's tongue-in-cheek "Sexiest Bachelor in America" contest drew millions of women viewers to the sassy version of a men's beauty pageant, in which 51 studly contestants vied for the title as well as a $100,000 grand prize. So what was it like to stand in front of legions of American women and sustain a barrage of objectifying comments from host Caroline Rhea? "It was lots of fun," claims 1999 Commerce School graduate Teddy Sears.


Hovering wasps put sting in outdoor plans

As she swatted a yellow jacket away from her soda, Newcomb balcony diner Sonia Gosain grimaced. "They're like telemarketers, they just won't go away," said the second-year College student. Gosain and other diners will be kept busy swatting this time of year, when swarms of yellow jackets and hornets descend upon dumpsters, trash cans and hapless diners around Grounds. During the summer months, wasps and hornets stay at their nests.


Odds and Ends

Hands-on wheelchair tennis Wheelchair tennis has become an increasingly popular sport for the physically disabled in recent years.


Working students tackle jobs, studies

Money. Having it can make college life a little more bearable, and not having it can make college your worst nightmare. Sometimes the money your parents put in your checking account just isn't enough to take care of all those credit card bills, weekend road trips and late-night lattŽs. Many students find themselves taking part-time jobs to cover those expenses Mommy and Daddy won't pay for.


Going it alone

Chris Cole sat on the Newcomb Dining Hall balcony, swatting away a swarm of bees as he ate his lunch. Although Cole, a second-year College student, dined with his friend, Martin Radzio, he said always having an eating buddy isn't necessary. "I like to see what the girl situation is.


Sakura enlivens Corner with authentic Asian delicacies

Raw fish. For some, these two words do not evoke images of artful, culinary masterpieces. Yet that is just what the fortunate diner who wanders into Sakura gets when he orders raw fish - a wondrous meal which succeeds in both taste and aesthetics. Sakura, located just off the Corner on 14th Street, transforms raw fish into the Japanese culinary specialties sushi and sashimi.


Mullin' Around on the Mall

Caught up in choosing which library to study at for the night or which restaurant to eat at down on the Corner, students may find themslves trapped in the bubble of Univeristy life. But with just a quick hop on the Hoo Bus or a five-minute drive, a whole different world is waiting at Charlottesville's Downtown Mall.


Odds and Ends

MTV invasion Cut from the Real World auditions? Today will be your chance to score a few seconds of airtime on MTV as yourself, a University student, without having to live with six complete strangers. MTV invades Grounds today, armed with cameras and a crew team to record students' opinions about college life. MTV will be filming before and after the Wyclef and De La Soul concert tonight in U-Hall, sponsored by the University Programs Council (UPC). "We definitely went after them," third-year College student Jbeau Lewis said of bringing MTV to Grounds.


Odds and Ends

Are you ready for Gear up and get ready, because today's men's soccer game against JMU has a, well, hat trick of fun and exciting stuff in store.


Serving up diversity of tastes

Decisions... Decisions. Dorms: Old or New? Computer: Laptop or Desktop? Meal Plan: 13 or Unlimited? Dining Hall: O-Hill or Newcomb? It is a familiar scene on Dabney third right on a Wednesday evening.


Dockter Duval's Advice Column

We had a small quiz in class the other day and I saw someone cheating. It's not as if it was a really important test or anything that will count a lot for the class, but it still bothered me quite a bit.


Odds and Ends

Debating the debates If not for the blue University sign out front, the Miller Center on Ivy Road might look like just another colonial-style mansion. But the Miller Center, deemed "the Center for the study of the American presidency" by Director Philip Zelikow, is more than a house on a hill - it is highly involved in the upcoming presidential election.


Odds and Ends

LSATs: The moment of truth Instead of making wild, hip-gyrating dances at frat parties or at Corner bars this week, a multitude of University students will be sweating out a standardized nightmare -- the LSATs. The moment of truth is almost here.

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.