The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890



Five characters we all know and love

We all have certain “characters” in our lives. The people who are not necessarily friends of yours —you might not even know their name —but people you see often. So often, that they are not necessarily strangers, but rather characters.


Zzzzzzs Don’t Get Degrees

 So, before you decide to stop reading this article and go fall asleep, I present to you my three-step process for quitting. Napping that is. Not your job. I assume no accountability for that.

U.Va.'s true heroes

Recognizing The University’s True Heroes

Enough’s enough. We walk around Thomas Jeferson’s academic village daily with the audacity, no, the gall, to continually ignore the people who really matter. We let these gods amongst men go about their days with no knowledge of how important they truly are to the rest of the student body. That ends now.


What’s that smell?

U.Va. Dine took to social media earlier this week to announce the upcoming release of “The Pav: A U.Va. Dine Fragrance.” U.Va. Dine characterizes “The Pav” as a scent of nostalgia and guarantee — one that empowers the wearer to attract the Subway Lover and the Chick-Fil-A Fiend alike.


Five ways to not be bored while on Grounds

Until you lock yourself in Brown Library twelve hours straight for a quadruple-shot espresso fueled study fest when exam season comes to greet you with its cold claws, allow me to enlighten you with a few tips on how to banish your boredom.

Not only do cheaters have to buy more gifts to disperse to their love interests, but they also have to make sure they visit each person on this holiday. 

Cheater Cheater Chocolate Eater

Now, if you’re like most people, you’re either spending Valentine's Day with your significant other(s) or are in wait for single awareness day the following morning when all the chocolate is on sale. But, unfortunately, during this time of year, we fail to recognize those that are working the hardest and that deserve our appreciation the most.



After the second, third, or twentieth time asking someone to repeat what they said, the conversation comes to an awkward halt. To avoid this issue, assumptions must be made about what people say. If your brain is anything like mine, these assumptions are often entirely incorrect.

An open letter to first years on what is to come

Dear first years — an open letter

Your first semester of college is almost over and you’re either thinking that this is the most fun you’ve ever had or you’re questioning if you peaked in high school. Regardless, I am here with some Third Year wisdom.


Your Personal NPC

If you have one character you see pretty often, you have a personal NPC. It’s like they’re meant to be where you are. Maybe they’re the background character in your life, and maybe they think of you as the background character in theirs.

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.