The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890



Rankings express quantity, not quality

OR MOST of us, the choice of which college to attend involves a great deal of our ego. Where we apply shows a what we think of ourselves, and most of us enjoyed hearing people's positive reactions when we told them we were coming to the University.


Bush hedges away from debates

IT SHOULD surprise no one that Axl Rose said it best. And though he was referring to critics of Guns 'N Roses rather than presidential debate politics, the message retains its meaning today: "Get in the ring." The controversy over each candidate's willingness -- or lack thereof -- to participate in debates is just another manifestation of the serious, but too often minimized differences between the two sides. It has become fashionable of late to throw around words like "Republicrat" and to otherwise imply that there are not fundamental issues at stake in this election.


Left foot forward

BE CAREFUL not to mistake them for Democrats. It'd be an easy mistake to make. The speeches and interviews from the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia have sounded more like the words of progressive politicians than the conservative core of the Grand Old Party.

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.