The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890



New year, last chances

IT'S NOT the New Year yet, but the next column I write will be in the year 2000. The year 2000 may be the time of apocalyptic predictions, of suggestions of computer failure or terrorist attacks.


Highlighting 1999's highs and lows

IT'S getting to be that time of year again -- the season when snowflakes begin to dust the bare branches of trees, sparkling lights decorate houses and shopping centers, and everyone is overtaken by the spirit of giving -- and buying.


Clueless in Seattle? Protest overlooks details of world trade

WEDNESDAY'S Washington Post proved that America does have a culture. The story "Protests Delay WTO Opening" had many memorable images, but this was one of its best: "While the streets swirled, many businesses remained open; people sipped cappuccino behind the glass of gourmet coffee shops." The story referred to Monday's scene in Seattle, site of the World Trade Organization's 1999 conference.


Global growth

AS THE 20th century draws to a close, there are a few things we know -- I mean really know. For example, you would have to be living on another planet not to know that technology is changing the way we live. The Internet is opening up opportunities that are as profound as those created after the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus.


Or growing uniformity?

WE ARE whimpering our way into a new millennium, and we'll be lucky if anyone hears. After the flurry of historic events of the last 1,000 years, we're going out not with a bang, but with a soft whisper. History records the loud events, the great epic occurrences that define a particular time.


Moronic millennium matters

GET READY for the column of the millennium! That's right: Sparky Clarkson, longtime columnist for The Cavalier Daily, has assembled one last masterpiece to send out this dusty old millennium with a bang!


Literary courses improve academia

I AM GOING to take this opportunity to defend the currently unfashionable view that core courses, consisting of definite lists of required texts, should be mandatory for all University undergraduates.


What are you thankful for?

We at the University have many blessings in life, things that we often take for granted. This Thanksgiving, The Cavalier Daily asked University students, faculty and administrators to write about the things for which they are thankful: I am grateful for the continued existence of books.


The Great Thank-You Note Project

THERE comes a time in every young life when a man must clear his throat, glance casually over his shoulder to confirm that no one is looking, and admit that his mother was right. After many years, I have confirmed that my mother was right about several things, chief among them the issue of thank-you notes.

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.