The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890


A Flea in Her EarFebruary 2014This photograph is licensed to the U.Va. Department of Drama for its marketing and advertising purposes. Third party use without consent of the photographer is prohibited.

'A Flea in Her Ear' soars

A murderous Spaniard, French men who cannot correctly pronounce their consonants, plenty of bushy moustaches, hairy men and a whole lot of running around and shouting in general confusion.


'Elements' of Michal Menert

Michal Menert discovered the power of music at a young age — finding in it something inexplicable that resonates with shared human emotions.


Mentally ill in literature

Some of the most memorable characters in classic American literature suffer from severe mental illness — Benjy Compson, Edna Pontellier, Holden Caulfield and Lennie Small.


Disassembling 'The Wall'

With the advent of spring, it seems appropriate to delve into the ethereal and complex world of Pink Floyd, the classic 1970s anti-establishment rock-and-rollers who once ruled psychedelic culture.


Gangsta Rap

Enter YG, a Compton-bred emcee with a legitimate grassroots following and big-league ambitions, who has just released the most exciting and fully-realized rap album of 2014.


Open Arts Slam marries catharsis and creativity

Take Back the Night, a national organization founded in 1999 which “seeks to end sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual abuse and all other forms of sexual violence,” according to its website, has shown its presence in full force this week as the University chapter hosts a number of events leading up to Thursday night’s rally and vigil.


Take a ‘Breathe’r

The newest album from Breathe Carolina, “Savages,” may not be super fresh or exciting, but it is certainly a good EDM record to jam out to.


Reflecting on ‘The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’

“The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,” concluded its fourth season last week. The “The Real Housewives” franchise — one of the most popular series on Bravo, a reality television juggernaut — started in Orange County and has since expanded to six other localities in the United States, four other cities internationally, and spawned a number of spinoffs. Like any other reality TV series, “Real Housewives” documents reality and edits footage to introduce a sense of fantasy — and the Beverly Hills version is no exception.


The Deadmen: A lively bunch

Members of “singular rock and roll band” The Deadmen — Josh Read, Justin Jones, Justin Hoben, John Hutchins and Mike Smirnoff — made their musical debut March 15 with the release of their first self-titled EP.


Emergency Poetry

The popularity of Humanities Week event “Emergency Poetry” far exceeded expectations. The Bryan Hall faculty lounge was jam-packed Monday night, full of students across a variety of majors waiting to hear their favorite professors read their “emergency poems” after rain moved the event inside. “I was bummed that the event had to be moved inside but it was kind of amazing to see how many people were willing to cram into that tiny room and choose to listen to poems being read,” third-year College student Ashley Shamblin said.

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.